Frequently asked questions

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What is Front-End Coders Mauritius?

Front-End Coders Mauritius is a community of frontend developers based in Mauritius. We organize monthly meetups to help the community stay aware of frontend trends and technologies.

Who can attend the meetups?

Anyone who is interested in frontend development is welcome to attend our meetups. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started, our meetups are open to all.

How do I RSVP for a meetup?

You can RSVP for a meetup by visiting our website [] and clicking on the meetup you’d like to attend. From there, you’ll be able to register and reserve your spot.

How much does it cost to attend a meetup?

Our meetups are free to attend. We’re able to offer these events at no cost thanks to the generosity of our venue sponsors.

Can I sponsor a meetup?

Yes! We’re always looking for venue sponsors to help us host our events. If you’re interested in sponsoring a meetup, please get in touch with us through our website.

What should I expect at a meetup?

Our meetups typically feature one or more speakers who will present on a topic related to frontend development. You’ll have the opportunity to learn something new, ask questions, and network with other developers.

Can I suggest a topic or speaker for a future meetup?

Absolutely! We’re always open to suggestions for future meetup topics and speakers. Please send us your ideas through our website, and we’ll consider them for future events.

How can I stay informed about upcoming meetups?

The best way to stay informed about upcoming meetups is to subscribe to our mailing list on our website. You can also follow us on social media for updates and announcements.

Our Sponsors

We're lucky to have sponsors support our community. If you're interested in sponsoring us, please reach out to us here.

2016 - 2023 ~ Front-End Coders Mauritius | API